The PerFit U Personal Training and Pilates Studio offer services for weight management, core training, body transformation, Pilates, one on one personal training and group classes in the Southend of Guelph. Also available for Private Reformer Pilates. To schedule a CONSULTATION, check out: or send an email to Maria at

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

8 Weeks Out

Wow, I cannot believe I only have two months left to prepare until the UFE show in London, Ontario! I'm truly excited and have started planning out the "frilly" details for the show such as hair makeover (badly needed), hair, nails and make up.

My diet and training regimen remains strict and I could have never been proud of myself =) I must say though that I thought Easter would be a challenge to stay on track but I did not stray and stayed within my plan. I had some raisins which curbed a little bit of my sweet cravings, and oh boy, were they ever good!

Here's a photo of me at 8 weeks before competition. There's still lots of work to do but I feel pretty good!
