The PerFit U Personal Training and Pilates Studio offer services for weight management, core training, body transformation, Pilates, one on one personal training and group classes in the Southend of Guelph. Also available for Private Reformer Pilates. To schedule a CONSULTATION, check out: or send an email to Maria at

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pilates Classes starting February 1, 2011

Registration is now open for Group Pilates Mat class at The PerFit U Studio. There are two (2) timeslots available for your convenience: 9:00 A.M. OR 12:00 P.M. on Tuesday and Friday starting February 1, 2011. Please see Class Schedule for more details. The classes are limited to 3 people for extra attention and you will not get lost in a crowd. Here's a description of what you can expect:

Introduction to Pilates: For those clients who are new to Pilates! This introduction course will cover the Stott ® Pilates 5 Basic Principles and how to apply them to a selection of warm-up and some essential exercises.

We will then incorporate:

Essential Pilates: This class will build upon the Basic Principles of the Stott ® Pilates Method to work the core and extremities. Most essential exercises will be taught at this stage to build mobility, control and stability.

The classes start on February 1, 2011 on Tuesday and Friday. Hurry and Register as spaces are limited.

Kindly check out The PerFit U's website for more details.

To register, respond to this email, call Maria Dy at 519-830-0172 or email at

Monday, January 17, 2011

120 Day Fitness Challenge - My workouts, nutrition and before picture

I mentioned in my earlier blog that I will be starting a 120 day Fitness Challenge in replace of a fitness competition this year. I'd like to incorporate the "goodness" of working towards my fitness goals without the added pressure of being and putting on a show! Another incentive of getting myself back into having a bikini-body is a possibility of a cruise vacation with my hubby.

For my 120 day fitness challenge, I have and will continue to follow the following protocols:

1. Clean eating 80% of the time which means I get a day or two of cheat days.
2. Be active most days of the week.
3. Continue to take my essential supplements such as Multivitamins, fish oil, probiotics, and whey protein (as needed).
5. Eat 4 to 5 times a day. I already know more or less of how much calories I consume. I ensure they are coming from good sources of meat, vegetables/fruits, fats and some carbohydrates.
5. Continue to seek Homeopathy and follow-up sessions

I am not much of a bread or grain type person. If I end up eating them, they would be on my cheat day(s). I like the steeloats oatmeal, bagels, brown or white rice. For protein, I eat most red meat, chicken and fish. For carbs, I eat sweet potatoes everyday or steelcut oats. I replace the usual carbs with a ton of veggies, like fresh tossed salad, asparagus, spinach, peppers, etc. I also supplement with Vegetable/Fruit supplement from Progressive which I add to my Berry Smoothie.

So here's what I have been doing for the Month of January.

Workout days:
Monday/Wednesday/Friday - Cardio for 30 minutes and Pilates Reformer for 1 Hour
Tuesday/Thursday - Physio Rehab for Right knee for 30 minutes and Zen Stretching for 1 Hour
Thursday Evening - Indoor Rock Climbing for a maximum of 2 hours or OFF
Saturday - OFF
Sunday - Indoor Rock Climbing for a maximum of 2 hours

I am doing a lot of core work with slight resistance using the Pilates Reformer. Flexibility is equally important as my muscles tend to seize up, which is happening a bit more frequent than usual. I still love Rock Climbing and I get such a good workout, sweating, fear conquering, all around great feeling.

I also weighed myself - weight gain is not my concern as the scale only went up a few pounds. However, my clothes are fitting tighter and not as lean. I used a manual calipers to determine my bodyfat% and it is at 21%.

For my fitness challenge, I am aiming to get to 15% bodyfat and get a more leaner look. You will see from the photo below that my abs are not as chiseled, although I can still see some muscles under my belly =)

I have some work to do but it shouldn't be a problem as long as I'm consistent, focused and motivated. I also implement a ton of visualization to get the body I want.

In my next blog, I will change my workout for the next phase and will be posting more pictures soon.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

FREE Weight Loss Workshop in Guelph

Heather Caruso, Homeopath in Guelph, has asked that I speak about fitness, exercise and weight loss on her upcoming Workshop. Thanks, Heather! On January 27 @ 7PM, join us for Healthy Weight Loss Workshop in Guelph, Ontario. Learn what foods to eat to help lose weight, beat food cravings, how to incorporate exercise into your busy lifestyle, the best way to exercise, and so much more. Register early - 5 spots remaining.

Free Weight Loss Workshop

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Winter Specials for Personal Training @ The PerFit U Studio

The PerFit U Studio is currently having a Winter Special for people who are interested and want to try personal training. These special prices are valid for first time Personal Training clients.

Getting to Know Fitness Program

4 – 1 hour sessions at $179.00

6 – 30 Minute sessions at $159.00

You will receive individualized program designed based on your current exercise level and goals. The individualized program will consist of cardiovascular conditioning, weight/resistance training, core training, functional and body weight exercises and flexibility programs.

If you are interested in trying out what Personal Training is all about and what The PerFit U can offer, email or call 519.830.0172.

Register before the deadline date of January 31, 2011 to receive this special offer.

For more information about The PerFit U, please visit

Sunday, January 2, 2011

120 Day Fitness Challenge

Now that the holidays and over-indulging are over, it is time to get back into the swing of things.

With my Top Priority of being Kind to Myself, I have decided to get engage in a 120-day fitness challenge to kick start my New Year. Being Kind to Myself means taking care of my physical well-being, among other things.

I love setting goals. It keeps me in line plus I love a good challenge.

When it comes to fitness, it is always helpful to create a specific goal rather than to wing it. Creating a S-M-A-R-T goal is useful for anything, not just fitness, so you can assess, track and give yourself a realistic deadline for such goal.

What is SMART goal? It stands for Specific, Measurable, Action, Realistic and Time. How does this translate to my 120 day fitness challenge?

Well, I thought about competing in another fitness show in April. I thought about it for a long time. I wasn't sure if it's something I wanted to do again this year. I enjoyed my first fitness competition last year; however, I needed to find something meaningful in these fitness shows but I couldn't. I would not check this off my list forever but not right now. My heart and mind are not in it. And when they don't jive together, the goal is useless, pure meaningless and the goal would be down a garbage shoot. The hard work would not be there - which is KEY.

What I'd like to do is travel. I have not been on a real vacation since 2008. Kinda sad really. So I decided to go on a real vacation, actually a nice cruise with my hubby is in the plan =)

I want to get myself back into my bikini-body again for this vacation and 120 days should do it!

I want to do this challenge without the extreme pressure of getting on a stage, dieting and bodybuilding preparations. I want to do this by eating nutritious foods, working out and doing Pilates on a regular basis, use necessary supplements that I get from my awesome Homeopath friend in Guelph, consistency, motivation and keeping an eye on the goal.

Here's how I outlined my SMART goal:

Specific - get down into my bikini body by May, 2010

Measurable - is it measurable? Hell, yeah it is. I have not "let go" that much over the holidays. So yes, 120 days should get me there.

Action - I have done my programs for the next 4 months which will include interval training, weight training, Pilates, stretches, cardiovascular, and of course, some rock climbing! My program starts on Monday which I can hardly wait.

Realistic - Is my goal realistic? I believe it is. I have not gained much weight but my muscle tone and definition are soft. I will be tracking my developments using calipers, body measurements and weight scale.

Time - 120 days which is 4 months to achieve my goal.

I have always wanted to get professional photos done. I will be hiring one of my sister-in-law's good friend, Deena, to take my photos before we leave for holidays. This should be fun.

As for the cruise destination, we are still undecided on that but I am doing my research now and there's lots of cruises available so I'm really excited about that.

I will be posting videos of my training, before and after photos, my nutrition plan, supplements that I am currently taking and the whole enchilada on this blog.

Follow my journey here and I hope to inspire you to get your SMART goals on =)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 TOP Priority

Happy Happy 2011!

I had a wonderful celebration with family and friends on New Year's eve, and I feel so blessed to have such loving group of people to ring in the New Year.

I've learned not to make any New Year's resolution as they may likely be broken; however, for 2011, I came up with a meaningful goal instead of the old cliches like to lose weight or eat healthier.

My top New Year's goal for 2011 is to BE KIND TO MYSELF.

When I look back at my life, not just last year, but life in general, being kind to myself is something I don't get to do very often.

What is kindness? The English dictionary states that, kindness is:

1. the practice or quality of being kind
2. a kind, considerate, or helpful act

What does this translate to my life? Being kind to myself means:

* Patting myself on the back for a job well-done
* Putting myself and my family ahead of others
* Being more grateful of life and life's opportunities even when some don't work out
* Being more effective rather than affected
* Change negative thinking into positive ones
* Be in the Present moment and leave the past behind
* Love myself unconditionally
* Learn to fail more often and look at failures as a form of feedback
* Continue to Believe
* Take good care of my physical and mental state
* Clear the mind
* Laugh more often
* Speak up

Being kind to myself will take great practice. I believe that being kind to myself will strengthen who I am as a person, business woman, girlfriend/wife and friend. I also believe that change has to happen from the inside first because the world is just an extension of ourselves. The world does not define us, we define what happens to us in this world.

Have a Happy, Prosperous, Meaningful and Kind New Year to all!
