The PerFit U Personal Training and Pilates Studio offer services for weight management, core training, body transformation, Pilates, one on one personal training and group classes in the Southend of Guelph. Also available for Private Reformer Pilates. To schedule a CONSULTATION, check out: or send an email to Maria at

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

3 weeks out

It's almost show time! I just got email confirmation about the show and its format, and its going to be a long and exciting day. I'm a little nervous but my family and friends are coming to see me, so I think I'd be okay!

I'm also trying to keep my stress level at the lowest point. I have noticed how my body responds to stress since I started preparing for the show. I noticed that Stress is bad for my stomach. I also noticed decreased in mental focus so it was harder to say "no" to foods I can't eat.

And now, its home stretch and I'm very happy with my progress thus far.
