The PerFit U Personal Training and Pilates Studio offer services for weight management, core training, body transformation, Pilates, one on one personal training and group classes in the Southend of Guelph. Also available for Private Reformer Pilates. To schedule a CONSULTATION, check out: or send an email to Maria at

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Creating SMART GOALS this New Year

January, 2010


I hope you all had a safe and very happy holidays. It's the beginning of a New Year, so are you one of the many who made a New Year's Resolution this year? I personally try to make a few goals - one for business and one for personal. Of course, I also keep in mind the resources and people that I need in my life in order to make those resolutions work.

Have you heard of S-M-A-R-T goals? The acronym stands for: S = Specific M = Measurable A = Attainable R = Realistic and T = Timed. I apply the Smart goals when I am consulting with clients. I also apply these to my own fitness goals, and as of recently, business goals because they give me more perspective of what I am trying to accomplish. As an example, when clients come in for consultation, my first task is to review their medical and fitness history and I ask what brought them here to see me... More often, these clients come in for weight loss - some have a few pounds to lose than others but they all have one thing in common - they watch too much of the Biggest Loser!

Don't get me wrong, I love watching men and women who are trying to transform their bodies by pushing their physical as well as mental abilites to achieve their desired results. It takes a lot of motivation, discipline and consistency to get there and stay there. Many people do not realize that weight loss is a process.... a lifestyle change.

If you are trying to lose some weight, inches or even to be healthier this year, try following SMART goals:

Specific - Be specific with what you are trying to achieve. Write down 2-3 important fitness goals and the timeframe on which to achieve them. Start with the most pressing goal (ie. weight loss of 30 lbs) and write down when you would like to lose those pounds (ie. 1 year). The most important reason is, ask yourself WHY do I want to accomplish this?

Measurable - Measure your results. Write down your starting, mid and end progress points. Take before and after measurements of your body, pictures weight and body fat percent. Ask yourself, how will I know I have accomplished these goal(s)?

Attainable - Ask yourself if your specific goals are attainable. If you are trying to lose weight but have specific conditions to overcome first such as previous injuries, then do that step first but know that you are on the road to a healthier and injury-free self!

Realistic - You have to be honest with yourself. What is the objective of your goal? Is your goal to sign up at a local gym and show up 7 times a week to quickly lose the unwanted weight? An average of 1 to 2 pounds of weight loss is ideal and losing more than that could be unhealthy and may greatly set you back, which could lead to you quit exercising all together.

Time - Write down a goal date so that you can begin the process to achieve your fitness goals. Again, be realistic in timeframes and deadlines because getting back into shape does not have to be such a stressful process.

I wish you all the best in making your New Year's Resolution a success. The PerFit U Personal Training and Pilates Studio is a home-based studio in the southend of Guelph. Consultation can be arranged by contacting Maria Dy at 519-830-0172 or send a request using the Consultation Request Form on the website or by sending a request via email.

Let The PerFit U take all the guess work out of working out....Whether your goal is to lose weight, tone your body, increase your strength or improve your overall health, The PerFit U can help you achieve these goals one PerFit Training session at a time.

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