The PerFit U Personal Training and Pilates Studio offer services for weight management, core training, body transformation, Pilates, one on one personal training and group classes in the Southend of Guelph. Also available for Private Reformer Pilates. To schedule a CONSULTATION, check out: or send an email to Maria at

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

10 weeks out

Hello everyone,

I had been under the weather and sick in the last week or so fighting symptoms of cold, flu and allergies. I made sure that I drank a lot of clear liquids, ColdFX, Neocitran and took some much needed rest.

Now that I am only a few months before the June 5th show, I can only be thankful that I got sick in the early stages of my preparation so I can get on (with no more interruptions, hopefully) with my training and eating regimen.

Dieting and preparations to me is something I did not enjoy in the past. I often struggled with "being good" during preparations because I definitely deprived myself of vices like wine, cheese and pasta - Yummm! But I'm having an easier time and better transition this time around. It could be my motivation or it could be that I've changed the way I look at food, but whatever it is, it is working and I'm planning to stick with it until I reach my ultimate goal!

During the next 10 weeks, my diet will consist of lean protein, loads of greens and veggies, dietary fats and a slight amount of carbohydrates. On weekend(s), I cycle carbohydrates which means I eat more of it for a day or so depending on how my body is reacting to it. I often feel great during the day and after a workout which surprised me at the beginning of my preparations because I always thought I needed a lot more carbohydrates to have more energy and strength.

This is how my body reacts and everyone is different.

My meal plan for today consist of 7 meals which are spaced out every 2 to 3 hours. This is what it looks like:

6:00 - A glass of water, Protein Shake in water
9:00 - 2 whole eggs, 2 strips of Turkey Bacon, a sprinkle of low fat cheese, half grapefruit, water
12:30 - Lean 4 oz red meat, loads of salad, greens, veggies, my homemade balsamic vinegar, water
4:00 - Power smoothie
6:00 - 1 whole egg, 1/2 cup egg whites and 2 strip of Turkey Bacon, water
8:30 - Fish or lean chicken with loads of salad, greens and veggies, water
11:30 - Protein shake

Having a consistent timing and schedule works for me. I often make some of my meals ahead of time when I know my schedule will not permit me to do so. I also substitute or switch my protein all the time so I don't get sick of eating the same thing over again. On a weekend, I will have oats, brown rice, a small bagel, a small serving of pasta and starchy carbs like beans, lentils and chick peas.

I also make sure I know my servings well and add them up. It's a bit of work but it's all worth the effort.

I will be posting more updates to my blog regarding my training regimen. So until my next blog.

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